The Videos You’ll Make

Just like with any other media (i.e books and songs) there are many different types of videos that you can make. Depending on if you are editing for a client or making your own content, you need to know what type of video you will edit. If you don’t, how will you know how to edit the video?

The YouTube channel Editing Is Everything does a great job of showing how powerful editing can be when delivering different genres of videos. Below is her video of The Bee Movie in 7 different genres.

As you can see, depending on how you edit the video, you can drastically change the impression of how the video comes out. A few common types of videos you might encounter are:


The video on the left is an advertisement for Subaru cars. Through the magic of post-production they were able to convey how the Subaru cars are dog tested and approved, enticing everyone that dogs will feel safe in their car.

Conscientious editing is important in advertisements because you want to convey not only the greatness of the product but also the message of the company.

Talk Shows and Commentary

The video on the right is a video from the YouTube channel, Good Mythical Morning. It’s a talk show style YouTube channel where they play different games and try out different types of foods.

The editors have to edit in any graphics that are mentioned and small intros into segments so that the audience is always engaged.

Uploaded Live Events

Sometimes clients would want live events to be filmed and then uploaded onto a website for audience members to watch later. The video on the left is a TEDTalk by Amy Cuddy. Her presentation was filmed in front of a live audience, but the TED company usually likes to upload the presentations onto their YouTube channel for future reference. This not only lets people look at past events but can also spread their message farther than just the people who attended in person.

You may think that this doesn’t take a lot of editing, but actually depending on the event, it may be important to add graphics for clarification to the audience members and if any videos the presenter shows should be added in post-production.

Overall, it’s important to know what kind of video you will be editing so that the audience can understand the message easily.

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